Friday, February 27, 2015


Star Tribune

Shared publicly  -  Feb 25, 2015
Dayton proposal would open bottleneck at I-35W and I-494, Lt. Gov. says.
A group of public officials on a chilly Tuesday made a heated call for state spending on Minnesota’s transportation network

Robert Tischner MN

Star Tribune

Shared publicly  -  Feb 21, 2015
Deal is reached in West Coast port dispute, but Minnesota companies still hurting
LOS ANGELES – Negotiators reached a tentative contract covering West Coast dockworkers on Friday evening, likely ending a protracted labor dispute that snarled international trade at seaports handling about $1 trillion worth of cargo annually

 Robert Tischner MN

Star Tribune

Shared publicly  -  Feb 21, 2015
Limited parking for planned 18-story downtown apartment tower would be a Minneapolis rarity
<br /><br />There’s yet another downtown Minneapolis apartment tower being proposed, promising all the bells and whistles of its nearby competitors

 Robert Tischner MN